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Sponsors and Team O’Hanlon

Without the following companies and individuals support I would not be able to achieve my goals and play golf as a professional. I thank them all for their continued support over the last few years.

Management Company

I am now proud to represent Champions U.K. PLC who will be managing me.


Karrek Chartered Financial Planners. Andrew Turner.
Karrek Accountants. Angela Backhouse
Rohrs and Rowe
Masters Skips
Jock Turner

Team O’Hanlon

Golf Coach – Robert Rock.

Earlier this year I was lucky enough to start working with Robert Rock. A 2 time winner on the European Tour and now a world respected Coach working with the likes of Tour Star Matt Wallace and many others. Back when he first turned pro he was my assistant for a number of years and he went onto to become a Top Tour player himself.

Now I am very fortunate he is giving up his time to help me achieve my goal of playing on the Seniors Tour in the next year. This is a huge help for myself having him in my team to assist with my swing and anything else that he can pass on from playing on the Tour

Since working with Rocky I have had my best ever season with 8 wins this year and numerous top 5 finishes.

Equipment Sponsors